Token Listing

Listing Token Functionality on WhiteSwap


The purpose of this description is to outline the mechanism and process of listing a token on the WhiteSwap platform. Listing a token on WhiteSwap offers users the opportunity to showcase their tokens, ensuring security verification by WhiteSwap, and actively participate in the WhiteSwap ecosystem. It also grants users the ability to create farming pools, thereby unlocking additional earning potential.

Values of token listing:

  • Create farming pool;

  • White list of token.

Listing Token Process on WhiteSwap

The following steps outline the process for successfully listing a token on WhiteSwap:

Step 1: User Access

Any user has the opportunity to list the token by visiting either the WhiteSwap landing page or its main page.

Step 2: Navigation and Initiating Listing

Users easily navigate the WhiteSwap landing page or its main page and click on the "Token Listing" button, conveniently positioned in the landing page's footer or at the upper right corner of the main WhiteSwap page.

Step 3: Form Submission

The website directs users to a form where they are required to fill in the token-related information. Users must carefully complete all the necessary fields in the form.

Step 4: Preparation of Required Documentation

Before filling out the form, users need to prepare the following documentation and information:

  • Security Audit Report from an auditing company, providing assurance of the token's security.

  • Whitepaper detailing the tokenomics and utility value.

  • Project documentation representing information about token’s technology, underlying principles, development team, and future plans.

  • Social media data related to the token, such as links to official social media channels, enabling users to gather additional information about the token.

  • Willingness to answer a few open-ended questions honestly, which may be asked during the application review process.

Step 5: Form Submission and Review

After completing the form, users submit it for review. The submitted token listing application undergoes thorough a review process.

Step 6: Administrator Decision

The administrator carefully reviews the submitted application and makes a decision to approve or reject the token listing on WhiteSwap.

Step 7: Payment of Listing Fee

If the token listing application is approved, the user is required to pay a listing fee of 100 WSD tokens. This fee supports the maintenance and development of the WhiteSwap platform.

Step 8: Payment Notification

Upon approval, the user receives an email containing a payment link for the listing fee.

Step 9: Token Listing

After successful payment, the token is listed on the WhiteSwap platform, becoming available for trading and exchange.

Step 10: Token Display

The listed token is displayed on the WhiteSwap infoportal, where users can access detailed information about the token.

Step 11: Liquidity Pool Availability

Tokens that have successfully completed the listing process and have a corresponding pair in the liquidity pool become eligible for creating a farming pool on WhiteSwap.

Last updated

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